Estimating Home Improvement

Estimating home improvement costs requires specialized skills. You just can't price home improvement work the same way you'd price new construction. The proportion of labor expense is greater. There's far more risk in estimating costs as there are more varibles and unknowns. For example:
Hanging doors in new construction is a 1-2-3 affair. You know ahead of time exactly what's required. You can buy pre-hung doors and cut your labor costs significantly. If your framer did a good job, installing the door should only take an hour or two.
However, if you are removing an old door and installing a new as in home improvement work, chances are the homeowner will want to to install the doors into the existing jambs. The frame may have shifted or gotten out of square over the years requiring extra time to re-plane the new door to fit, and what happens if you discover termites or wood damage in the frame. The job can easily take half a day. With so many unknowns you can easily see why it's hard to estimate the cost of home improvement jobs.
A great book that may help you estimate home improvement work is the National Home Improvement Estimator. It includes the prices of just about every item you could ever run into in a home improvement job and gives the price of the item as well as a labor cost for installing the item. You can find more information at http://craftsman-book.com/products/index.php?main_page=cbc_product_book_info&cPath=22&products_id=174
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